This is my GiRlFrIeNd !!
(as of April th, 1997) :-),
She is also my Canadian Snowbunny, my lil' bit O' Canada and my agent, all rolled into one outrageously cute package :-) I love her tons.
Alias: Darkgirl, but has also been spotted under other aliases like Marti the Smarti, a crazy Canuck and Marti McFly, the Left Lesbian Hobbiest. Click
here for more.
(Please dial 1-800-SMARTASS or
1-800-CANADIAN for a complimentary brochure and environmentally safe bumper sticker, operators are standing by to take your order. Offer void where prohibited by law (or parental disproval), no coupons or discounts may be used in
conjunction with this offer. All sales are final. No refunds or
exchanges. Canada residents add 15% sales tax).
Wow, that was fun, wasn't it? I thoroughly
enjoyed it, myself...

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