Hi there! My name is Tara Lyn Shaw, and I'm 20 years old. My birthday is May 28th, if you ever wanna send me a birthday email. *grin*. I graduated in 1995 from
Rossford High School (they don't have much of a page
yet...), and then went to
Bowling Green State University
for a year. I now work for an internet service provider (ISP)
in Ohio, called bright.net. I do technical support (like when
people call in with problems/questions.) It's fun, I like it a
I also now have a girlfriend, (which means that yes, I am a lesbian, thank you :) ). *grin* Anyway, her name is
Marti. :-)
Hmm, I think that just about sums it up...go ahead and take a look around..knock yourself out :-)
Here's my favorite picture of myself. Hope
you like it too.
And now, for your viewing enjoyment, some more